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Question: What Can You Recommend To Get Rid Of Blackheads On Your Nose Area? Even After Cleansing And Exfoliating And Squeezing Them Out, They Just Keep Coming Back And The Pores Don’t Shrink

What can you recommend to get rid of blackheads on your nose area? Even after cleansing and exfoliating and squeezing them out, they just keep coming back and the pores don't shrink


Unfortunately this is a fairly common problem. Once pores are dilated, there is no over the counter cream, lotion or potion that is ever going to “shrink” those pores. This requires aggressive intervention. You need to consider having some chemical peels and some laser to start cleaning out your nose and assist in tightening up those pores. You also need to think about using an active skin care regime at home. You would need to have a skin analysis with a medical aesthetics therapist or doctor to have a good look at your skin and recommend the correct home care products.


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