Skin peels: Which type is the best for you?

Skin peels: Which type is the best for you? 1

When many people hear the word ‘peel’ they immediately think of an uncomfortable process that results in having to hide away for weeks while their skin comes off in sheets. Thing is, there are lots of different types of peels and many are so mild you could leave the office and go straight back to work, but still get good results.

Peels are great way to treat a long list of issues that range from fine lines to stubborn pigmentation, but it’s important to pick the one that’s best suited to the concern as well as its severity. Fortunately, at Skin Renewal, we’re peel pros in that we offer lots of different types.

Alpha hydroxy acid peels
Glycolic and lactic acids are probably the two best known alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) in the beauty world. Both actives do a good job of exfoliating the surface of your skin to help created a fresher, less lined and more evenly-toned complexion, but glycolic acid can also encourage your skin to produce more collagen.

It’s important to note that not all peels are created equally and will vary in potency depending on the concentration of the acid used. For example, our Piruvex Peel makes use of a low concentration of lactic acid and pyruvic acid (an alpha keto acid). It’s a nice pick for anyone wanting to improve the look of fine lines and mild pigmentation with no downtime.

On the more intensive side of the spectrum, you’ll find our Simildiet Glycolic Peel. It contains 70% glycolic acid making it a better option for anyone dealing with wrinkles and moderate pigmentation. While you’re not looking at serious downtime, your skin may flake a little within three days of the treatment for around two to four days.

Beta hydroxy acid peels
Another type of acid you’ll find in many of our peels is beta hydroxy acid (BHA). Unlike AHA of which there are several types, there’s only one BHA and that’s salicylic acid. It can also exfoliate the surface of your skin, albeit more gently, but has the added advantage of penetrating deep into your pores making it very useful for anyone suffering from oily skin, blackheads or acne.

One of our favourite BHA peels is the Beta Peel that makes use of 20% salicylic acid. It’s ideal for anyone struggling with blackheads or acne as it’ll give your pores the kind of deep clean that can prevent future break outs and, better yet, it doesn’t have any down time.

Another great BHA-based peel is our Simildiet SAMA peel. It contains 20% salicylic acid as well as 22% mandelic acid (an AHA). As it makes use of the best of both worlds, an AHA and BHA, it’s a good pick for anyone who’s dealing with acne as well as mild pigmentation, fine lines and has the same ‘downtime’ as the Simildiet Glycolic Peel – a few days of flaking shortly after the peel.

But wait, there’s more!
AHAs and BHAs aren’t the only exfoliating agents on the block. Azeleic acid, for example, is a dicarboxylic acid typically derived from grains like barley, wheat and rye. It can exfoliate the surface of your skin as well as inside your pores but is a lot more gentle than most other acid types, making it a better choice for anyone with sensitive skin. In fact, research has shown that it can help reduce skin sensitivity. Both our Azelan Peel and Simildiet Azeleic Peel make use of azeleic acid.

Another exfoliator you should know about is trichloroacetic acid (TCA). This particular acid penetrates deeper than glycolic acid but the strength of the peel will depend on its concentration of TCA. A very mild one can be used on even sensitive skin and result in just a little temporary redness and mild flaking but a more intensive one will produce a dark scaling that appears within five days of the treatment before sloughing off within five to seven days. Because of their potential for potency, an intensive TCA peel is a good choice for anyone with more entrenched wrinkles and stubborn pigmentation.

The bottom line
When it comes to peels, you’ll find Skin Renewal offers a world of choice. Both AHA and BHA-based peels can exfoliate the surface of your skin, but the latter will also reach deep into your pores which makes it more suitable for anyone suffering from acne. If you’ve got sensitive skin, an azeleic acid peel is a nice, always gentle pick and will even help reduce sensitivity. If you’re dealing with more entrenched lines and severe sun damage, an intense TCA peel can make a visible difference.

Still, it’s always best to consult with one of the highly trained therapists at Skin Renewal. They’ll be able to assess your skin’s condition and suggest the type that would suit you best as well as how many you’d need for you to see great results.

This post was sponsored by Skin Renewal.  

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