Question: What Is Your Opinion About Buffing The Nail Plate? I Heard From One Therapist That Buffing Cause Nail Damage As It Thins Out The Nail Then I Heard By Another That Buffing Is Good Because It Helps With Blood Circulation.

What is your opinion about buffing the nail plate? I heard from one therapist that buffing cause nail damage as it thins out the nail then I heard by another that buffing is good because it helps with blood circulation.


Hi Wendy

From what I know massaging a a cuticle oil into your nails and cutilces is good for the nails, but buffing should be kept to a minimum because it can thin the nails and cause them to split and tear. It should generally be left to smooth out ridges but should be done gently to prevent your nails from being damaged. Cuticle oil is also good for you to keep the nail bed moist so you won’t have brittle nails.


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