Dove Beauty Cream Bar

Dove Beauty Cream Bar

Most soap bars may clean your skin but they also dry it out and moisture is the key to beautiful skin. That’s why Dove® created its beauty bar with 1/4 moisturising cream, a bar that is so gentle you can use it on your face leaving your skin looking smoother and more radiant. When it comes to skin care, trust Dove to give your skin the superior care it deserves.

Price: R12, 95
Availability: retailers and selected pharmacies.


21 Responses

  1. I tried every high end product on the market, I was the girl who would not leave the house without make up. Then, a friend at campus recommended I used Dove soap on my face because I was always complaining about my uneven skin tone, marks left by teenage acne and being Indian I suffered from major skin pigmentation problems.

    I will be honest, I do not use it as a bath soap because I personally feel I require a more stronger smelling soap on my body however for my face this is my go to product. I have seen major improvement on my skin and I still use foundation but I do not require the coverage I used to use on a daily basis any longer.

    This is a really good product, its worth the try and its also easy on the pocket.
    Who knows, maybe its just what you are looking for in a face cleanser.

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