How your skin might change during pregnancy

How your skin might change during pregnancy 1

Regardless of whether you’re a mum or not, we all know the common changes that happen to a woman’s body during pregnancy. Gaining weight, a change in appetite, cravings, nausea and fatigue are all part of the journey and are completely normal. But what about our biggest organ, the skin? Just like the body, the skin can undergo major changes during pregnancy. Some women experience the best skin of their lives and literally glow from within, whilst others battle with skin conditions associated with hormonal changes. Luckily, there are safe ways to treat and minimise these conditions during pregnancy, as well as after.

Commonly referred to as “the mask of pregnancy” or “melasma,” pigmentation during pregnancy is very common. Hormonal pigmentation occurs when there is a change in a person’s hormonal status, with higher levels of oestrogen usually to blame. During pregnancy a woman’s body produces more hormones, which may result in darkened blotchy spots on the forehead and cheeks. This may disappear completely after giving birth, but in some cases it does not and requires further treatment.

Acne is a complex condition that may be caused by many different things, from bacteria on the skin, to an unhealthy gut, to hormones. Acne and breakouts is particularly common during the first trimester of pregnancy when the body’s hormone levels increase. The increase in hormones increases the skin’s oil production, which may lead to clogged pores, blackheads and acne. Women who experience hormonal acne at the start of their menstrual cycle are more likely to develop acne during pregnancy.

Again, we have hormones to blame for dehydrated skin during pregnancy. Hormone changes may cause the skin to lose elasticity and moisture as it stretches and tightens to accommodate a growing belly. The skin may become flaky or itchy. It’s important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water during pregnancy, not only to aid the growth of your baby and placenta, but also to hydrate your skin from the inside out.

Treatments for mum
If you go for regular treatments and use skincare containing active ingredients you may need to take a break from your routine during your pregnancy. However, there are a couple of treatments available at Skin Renewal that are safe for baby, and that can help with the skin conditions typically associated with pregnancy.

Expectant mums can safely experience the following treatments:

Microdermabrasion is a quick, no downtime procedure that renews the skin by lifting dead cells off the skin’s surface by means of gentle polishing with crystals. It’s great for sloughing off dry and dead skin cells, minimising pigmentation and reducing breakouts, acne scars and enlarged pores.

Transdermal Mesotherapy
Traditional Mesotherapy uses needles to treat cellulite and resistant fat and is also used for anti-ageing therapies, including pigmentation, hydration, scarring and general rejuvenation. Transdermal Mesotherapy achieves the same results without the use of needles. Instead, it makes use of Dermo-electroporation® which enables molecules to be safely delivered into the body without modification of the active solution nor damage to the targeted tissues and cells.

Photo Dynamic Therapy (PDT)
PDT therapy uses a combination of pure visible blue, red and yellow light to stimulate the deeper skin tissue. It is effective in treating acne, reducing inflammation, healing wounds and improving skin tone and smoothness.

Beauty treatments
Facials, manis, pedis, massages and body wraps are all lovely treatments to undergo during pregnancy as they make mum look and feel her best, and can be customised to address specific skin concerns like acne, pigmentation and dehydration.

Looking to treat a pregnancy-related skin condition? Make a booking at your nearest Skin Renewal branch.

This post was sponsored by Skin Renewal.


One Response

  1. Very informative article. I suffer from pigmentation. It has gotten lighter, but not vanished completely.

    Will definitely try some of the above treatment options.

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