
The history of this well respected brand begins in 1885 with the birth of an extraordinary Frenchwoman Madame Jeanne Gatineau who devoted her entire life to beauty. She opened her first beauty salon in Paris in 1937 working in close collaboration with doctors and dermatologists to develop her first line of skincare products. In 1950 the first Jeanne Gatineau Beauty School was opened in Paris, where Jeanne Gatineau shared her wealth of knowledge with hundreds of students, teaching them about the skin, the wonders of creams and the Gatineau techniques.

The success of that first salon was the beginning of a series of firsts for the brand name of Gatineau – with many of its products being ahead of their time. Gatineau was the first skincare house to develop exfoliants and slimming creams and the first to discover and put to use the benefits of various antioxidants in skincare, such as green tea, and vitamins A, E and F.

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