Winter Beauty Box - 728 x 90 1

The Victorian Garden

We’ve captured the very essence of Vintage Natural and Organic products and brought them into the 21st century to craft beautiful personal care products using flower and herb extracts popular in bygone times.

Our company has a unique history dating back to the Victorian era when Victorian ladies handmade their own moisturising creams, lotions and bath oils using herbs and flower extracts grown in their gardens, combined with beeswax from the apiaries which many middle class and upper-class Victorian households kept at the bottom of their gardens! Our oldest original recipe dates back to 1530 and we’re focused on using as near 100% Organic and Natural ingredients as possible.

We are registered with the *CTFA of South Africa (Cosmetic Toiletries and Fragrance Association. Victorian Garden products are destined for the discerning consumer keen to change to a healthier lifestyle. We use lots of popular Victorian herbal and floral extracts along with ancient African plant oils, as well as a few rare and exotic English “Heirloom” plant extracts.

There is no wasteful packaging as we believe boxed and cellophane packaging is environmentally unfriendly and simply adds unnecessary cost to the product. All our bottles are carefully sourced to be recyclable.

We use safe pthelate-free plastic which has less impact on the environment than glass, is recyclable and will not leach industrial chemicals into the product thereby keeping it safe and stable. Where possible our ingredients are Certified Organic, non-Certified Organic and Natural. We never test anything on animals, only on ourselves!

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