Winter Beauty Box - 728 x 90 1

It is beautifully packaged which speaks to the opulence of the brand. It is whimsical and girly in a pink embossed box with a contrasting border of black. Immediately the box screams that this perfume is for a girl who is feminine but with an edge. The bottle is exquisite like a liquid filled diamond. But the smell… wow.
Cheeky flirty yet innocent. It is light, not too overpowering and heady. The fragrance is girly and youthful, perfect for a first date. It is light enough to wear every day as a signature scent, the fragrance lingers throughout the day.
If you are young and playful this is ideal for a bubbly vivacious young lady. I definitely like it and would wear it on a date paired with a sundress and a cheeky smile!