Winter Beauty Box - 728 x 90 1

I went through the strenuous process of bleaching my hair from dark brunette to ash blonde and I am still going. I take a few months break in between sessions and look after my hair as well as I can but bleach will still do damage to your hair no matter what.

Looking for something indulgent to mask my hair in, I stumbled on the Palmers hair products. I already LOVE their leave in conditioner, without it I can’t detangle my bleached hair AT ALL. I saw this protein pack and decided to give it a go and my was I surprised. It packs one hell of a moisture punch and my hair actually felt all snotty upon rinsing…which I love cause it means my hair will be silky smooth after. I recommend this to anyone who needs a boost every now and then…and also, not to bleach your hair haha.