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It is amazing how nature’s fresh produce can benefit us. Here are a few uses:

Clarifying moisturizer: Mix a few drops of coconut water with a few drops of lemon juice. The coconut will hydrate your skin, and lemon will clear and brighten it.

Elbow and knee bleacher: If your elbows and knees appear dark, simply rub them with half of a lemon.

Blackhead treatment: It may sound too good to be true, but because lemons are antibacterial and they can help treat acne. Use a slice of lemon and squeeze the juice onto your face. Your blackheads will start to fade before you know it.

Cleansing wipes: I like to mix a couple drops of lemon and tea tree essential oil in about 6 ounces of distilled water. I recommend using it as a toner or with cotton pads as a cleansing wipe for problematic skin.

Teeth whitener: Mix baking soda and lemon juice, and apply it to your teeth with a clean Q-tip. Then, use your toothbrush to scrub your teeth and rinse. It’s way cheaper than going to your dentist’s office.;)

Canker sore treatment: Use a few drops of the lemon essential oil on canker sores to help them heal faster.

Skin brightener: Lemons are rich in vitamin C and citric acid, so they can help brighten and lighten your skin when used over time.

Shine eliminator: Lemon is great for reducing excess oil.

Nail strengthener: Have you been getting too many gel manicures? Make a mixture of your favorite cooking oil (try olive oil) with lemon juice, and soak your nails. This is a good practice if your nails are dry and brittle, but it’s also a great way to help fix nails that have yellowed.

Hair lightener: Score dye-free DIY highlights with lemon juice. Apply it before you expose your hair to sunlight to score a sun-kissed color. The lemon juice can also help treat a dry scalp and dandruff, so apply it liberally.

These are all things we find in our kitchen shelves.