What can I do to get glowing skin?

Hi Doc, I have dull skin and I’ve tried several face creams but they don’t work. I want something that can make my skin glow. What can I do?


Dr Graham Duncombe from Skin, Body & Health Renewal responds:

“Skin that loses its glow and becomes sallow and dull usually indicates that the skin is dry with a thickened outer layer of the epidermis. The best way to tackle this problem is to use a cleanser that is gentle on the skin and with a balanced pH. Avoid using a toner as most toners may dry out the skin further. Apply a moisturiser that contains an ingredient known as hydroxy acids and even vitamin E, vitamin B5 and hyaluronic acid will provide lasting moisture without irritation. Use a hydrating sunscreen and a breathable foundation. By taking omegas every day you can hydrate your skin from the inside. It is also a good opportunity to get your thyroid gland tested as your thyroid gland plays an important role in your skin condition. Include a monthly superficial chemical peel in your skin care routine as this will remove the old, dead skin cells and stimulate the skin to rejuvenate quicker. If you choose to exfoliate at home, only do this once a week to avoid irritating the skin too much.”

Do you have a question for Dr Duncombe? Ask him here.

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8 Responses

  1. Celltone have a fantastic range all marked from 1 to 6 – so you really can’t go wrong and its everything you need.

  2. I love my Body Shop micro exfoliating vitamin C scrub. I feel like it gets all the dead layers off and leaves my skin glowing and healthy.

  3. Using a face mask twice a week also helps quite a bit, I have dehydrated cheeks which need a lot of moisture so the mask gives it a nice boost.

  4. Is there any person who does not want glowing skin thanks for the information share definately something to look into…

  5. Some really nice tips, haven’t thought about the dullness actually being due to a thickened outer layer.

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