Bobbi Brown Soothing Cleansing Oil

Luxury meets simplicity – Bobbi’s Soothing Cleansing Oil is a quick yet luxurious way to cleanse skin. Made with soothing jasmine flower extract (sourced directly from France), moisturising kukui nut oil, and a blend of Italian olive, organic sunflower and jojoba oils to dissolve surface impurities and make-up without leaving skin feeling tight or dry. Can be used in the morning to wake up and refresh skin, or at night as a soothing end to a long day.


Price: R660
Size: 200ml
Availability: Bobbi Brown counters nationwide.

What we say:
Calling all oily skinned gals… If you are looking for a pre-cleanse oil then this is the one for you.

While I know that using oil in your skincare routine is particularly beneficial if you have oily skin (like myself), it is a concept that I have always been rather skeptical of.

I decided to give it a go and introduced the Bobbi Brown Soothing Cleansing Oil into my daily skincare routine. I have been using it twice daily for two weeks now and I am sold – it is a wonder product.

While you can use this cleansing oil on its own, I use it as a pre-cleanse oil before using my usual face cleanser. Since using the cleansing oil, I have noticed that my skin is less oily than it usually is and my T-zone doesn’t get as shiny throughout the day – a definite plus!

I foresee this product becoming a firm favourite in my skincare routine and I will definitely repurchase it when my current bottle runs out. I would recommend this cleansing oil to anyone, but particularly those of you who have particularly oily skin!
– Emily, BSA Social Media & Community Manager


3 Responses

  1. This is one of the best oil cleansers that I have used. It has a strong floral smell (which could upset some users) but it does a really good job of removing all traces of makeup without an oily residue. It’s a bit pricey, and the Clinique Take It Off Balm is probably as good.

  2. Hi Alae, I have tried the Dermalogica Pre-Cleanse Oil and I have to say that I prefer the Bobbi Brown cleansing oil. I find the addition of the kukui oil in the Bobbi Brown gives it an extra something that my skin just loves!
    – Emily, BSA Social Media & Community Manager

  3. Like you, Emily, I am also sold on the concept of a thorough pre-cleanse as part of my daily skincare routine. I am a solid Bobbi Brown addict when it comes to her make-up products, with the exception of one bad experience with a foundation. I am however skeptical of buying skincare from a make-up brand.

    I experienced the cleansing oil during my last visit to the Bobbi Brown beauty counter and quite enjoyed it, but found it rather drying on my dehydrated/combination skin.

    I use the Dermalogica Precleanse in my nightly cleansing routine and am in love with it. For the first time ever the Dermalogica is the cheaper alternative here (R450 for 150ml). This may be my favourite part of my skincare routine!

    Have you tried the Dermalogica as well? How do they compare in your opinion?

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