Winter Beauty Box - 728 x 90 1

Veet Body Duo 2-in-1 Shaver And Epilator

This 2-in-1 solution allows you to shave or epilate at a click of a button. It is completely rechargeable within 40 minutes of plugging in, and you don’t have to fuss with interchangeable heads. The top end, which is your epilator, uses 42-tweezers, which will remove hair from the root, leaving your skin smooth for up to four weeks.

On the other end is your shaving device. It has a floating foil head that helps create a close, smooth shave. This Veet 2-in-1 solution is ideal for use on every part of your body, including bikini and under-arm areas. Veet Body Duo 2-in-1 solution includes a Veet Pre-epilating Comfort Spray, which prepares your skin, leaving it feeling less sensitive.

What we say:
‘For the last few years I’ve been using a big international brand’s epilator I received as a gift from overseas. So I was excited to give the Veet Body Duo 2-in-1 a try. The head unit is a little smaller, which means that it treats a smaller area at a time. But the epilator blades are also bigger than the ones I’m used to, which means less hairs are plucked at a time. That said, it is still efficient, although it is a bit difficult to handle on legs and you’ve got to control the unit carefully. I do love the pretty pink and white packaging and the unit comes with a handy bag in which you can store the device and charger.

‘The unit itself fits comfortably in your hand. And there’s no need to switch heads when alternatively between epilator and shaving, merely just flip it around. The 2-in1 has a reasonable battery life, and can even be used while it’s charging.

‘I am slightly disappointed in the Veet epilator though, but then again, I’mm used to a top the range epilator. Sadly it doesn’t work as well on short hair and in those between areas e.g. under arms. But if you can’t afford to spend R1 500 on an epilator, I would still recommend the Veet Body Duo 2-in-1 Shaver and Epilator.’
– Stacy


25 Responses

  1. I was fortunate enough to find this epilator, from a reputable brand at a discounted R299! I knew i had to get my hands on it as I had been on the look out for an epilator.

    I can’t afford regular waxing, so i decided to invest in an epilator.

    This duo comes with a spray comforter to help make the epilation less painful. Also, instructions are available, but getting through the different languages to look for English was a bit frustrating.

    I applied the comfort spray and gave it the 2-5 minutes to work. I easily switched on the epilator and bravely begun the process.

    I was surprised at how bearable the pain was. I naturally have a high pain threshold, but the comforter helped make the epilation bearable.

    The hairs were quickly and easily gripped by the epilator and I soon had smooth hairless skin.

    I applied an anti-bumps cream, as I am prone to shaving bumps and ingrown hairs.

    My hair usually starts growing back in 24 hours if I shave or use a hair remover cream, but after this epilation, it was a whole week before the hair started growing back!

    The shaver is not so impressive, as far as i’m concerned. It does not give me a smooth shave with a single stroke…I have to run it over a couple of time before the hair is removed. So, I am not really a fan of it.

    The epilator gets a 10/10, but the shaver gets a 6/10

  2. I have this epilator and it really is amazing. If done properly I can go 4-5 weeks before I need to epilate again. Hair growth has reduced and become finer. A definite must buy!!!!

  3. An epilator is worth the pain. Definitely minimizes the amount of ingrown hair.

  4. I love my Veet epilator! I use it just about everywhere and since I bought it I have stopped shaving altogether! My underarms used to be dark because of shaving and now they are lightening and coming back to my normal skin tone. My skin is now always smooth which is a big plus with regards to the bikini area. Also I have found that for me, if used properly, it grabs hairs from around 5mm and I don’t have to deal with itchy regrowth. I have just a few ingrown hairs which are easily sorted out through regular and good exfoliation before epilating and on the days inbetween.

  5. every girl needs to have an epilator…i havent tried the veet 1 but looks good to try but myn is the phillips and it does the job…your hair growth is finner and takes longer to grow after using it for a while….love m epilator

  6. ive never used an Epilator before, sounds painful but worth it , i would love to try this out as im very interested in buying this product , please send me one to try out

  7. Anyone who says that using and epilator doesn’t hurt is lying!!! Its flipping sore, but its so worth it in the end! I have quite dark hair and I found the hair on my forearm was looking a bit like something Elvis would have rocked so I decided to epilate it! OUCH!!!!!!! But I have never looked back, I do it when ever I need to now, which isn’t very often anymore. When your hair grows back its soft and smooth and less that when you started which is want you actually want! Its worth the pain so go ahead and give it a go!

  8. I would really like to try this,,,, it looks so easy to use and Veet is a brand you can trust

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