How 5 influencers’ skin changed after using Avène products for a month

How 5 influencers' skin changed after using Avène products for a month 1

Earlier last month we embarked on a skincare journey with Eau Thermale Avène and five South African influencers. Each influencer either personally struggles, or has a child who struggles with eczema. They were challenged to take on a month-long skincare program in which they swapped out their existing routines for a regime consisting only of Eau Thermale Avène products.

Quick recap – eczema is a common skincare condition in which the skin develops patches that are painful, red, itchy, very dry or even cracked. Severe cases of eczema may even lead to blisters and sores. Eczema may flare up at any time, but it is usually triggered by stress and allergies. Winter is a notoriously difficult time for those who suffer from eczema as the cold air, wind and heaters may cause flare ups and increase the skin’s sensitivity.

Eau Thermale Avène is a leader in the field of sensitive skin, and is known for their products’ ability to soothe, calm and repair dryness, sensitivity, eczema-prone and compromised skins. Their XeraCalm A.D products are free from harsh ingredients that may aggravate irritation and are filled with trace elements and soothing properties to protect the skin’s barrier function and restore hydration. The iconic Avène Thermal Spring Water has been clinically shown by over 150 studies to calm, soothe and soften the skin. This ingredient is at the heart of all Eau Thermale Avène products.

The influencers taking part in this campaign have a painful history with eczema. We chatted to each of them to find out how their skin changed after using only Eau Thermale Avène products. They used a combination of products from the XeraCalm A.D and Cicalfate ranges, including the signature Avène Thermal Spring Water Spray.

Kathryn Rossiter (@becomingyou)

What was the condition of your kids’ skin before the month-long trial began?
My son’s skin has always been worse than my daughter’s. He has very dry skin and so his skin barrier is compromised all over his body resulting in rough skin and then, when he scratches too much because of the itching, he breaks the skin and gets inflamed, red, infected patches – known as “flare ups”. My daughter has dry patches in the crooks of her elbows and behind her knees that get inflamed and infected if she scratches them.

How did their skin look after two weeks of using Eau Thermale Avène products?
My kids both commented on how smooth and soft their skin felt after using the XeraCalm range of products for a few days. “In the night I don’t really scratch as much as I used to. I don’t get as much eczema anymore. I like that my tummy feels nice and smooth.”

How did their skin change by the end of the month?
My daughter definitely had less eczema to start with (mostly her inner elbows) but these were particularly flared at the start of this exercise…. and they have had the most improvement. My son’s skin is far more sensitive and eczema prone with rough, dry, itchy skin all over his body – torso and upper thighs being particularly rough. He has seen a good improvement in the skin texture on his torso, however his upper thighs are still quite dry and rough. He hasn’t been as diligent in application and doesn’t want me to help him (unless it’s on his back and he gets a massage). He experienced some improvement in the texture of his skin and his torso was much smoother than before. He was particularly pleased that this cream didn’t sting his skin as that has always been an issue with getting him to use any product in the past.

Which was their favourite Avène product?
The XeraCalm A.D Lipid Replenishing Balm and the Avène Thermal Spring Water Spray.

Will you be using Avène products now that the trial period is over?
Yes we have been long term fans of Avène and will continue to use the products to soothe scratchy skin.

Refiloe Nkoane (@fiiloe.vera) 

What was the condition of your skin before the month-long trial began?
My skin was very dry and had rough and scaly patches and it would itch a lot of the time.

How did your skin look after two weeks of using Eau Thermale Avène products?
After two weeks my skin started to smooth out, and the itching started to subside.

How did your skin change by the end of the month?
I actually realised yesterday how soft and smooth my skin has become. I don’t have the rough patches all over my body anymore.

Which was your favourite Avène product?
My favourite Avène product has to be the XeraCalm A.D Lipid Replenishing Balm. It’s so hydrating!!

Will you be using Avène products now that the trial period is over?
Yes definitely. I’m actually falling in love with the products and don’t see myself using anything else. They’re amazing!

Melanie Ramjee (@hypress)

What was the condition of your daughter’s skin before the month-long trial began?
Maya had hectic eczema on her face (cheeks and forehead).

How did her skin look after two weeks of using Eau Thermale Avène products?
No more eczema symptoms

How did her skin change by the end of the month?
Still no sign of eczema symptoms or any dryness. She is a happier child and not fussing as much.

Which was her favourite Avène product?
Maya’s favourite was the Cicalfate Restorative Skin Cream. For me, it’s between the Avène Thermal Spring Water Spray and the XeraCalm A.D Cleansing Bar.

Will you be using Avène products now that the trial period is over?
HELL yeah. I use the Avène Thermal Spring Water Spray for everything.

Dr. Dudu Kgoebane-Masoeu (@dudu_k_) 

What was the condition of your skin before the month-long trial began?
My skin had the worst eczema, especially on my arms and neck area. My skin was very irritated, extremely dry and red on certain areas.

How did your skin look after two weeks of using Eau Thermale Avène products?
After two weeks I noticed that the eczema had cleared out, my skin still felt a bit dry, but not as dry as before I started my journey with Avène. The redness has disappeared completely and there was little to no irritation.

How did your skin change by the end of the month?
At the end of my four-week trial, my skin is smooth and soothed! No dryness, no eczema, no irritation whatsoever!

Which was your favourite Avène product?
My favourite Avène product is definitely the XeraCalm A.D Lipid-Replenishing Balm. I went through it so quickly! I love it! And of course the “cult-fav” Avène Thermal Spring Water Spray.

Will you be using Avène products now that the trial period is over?
I will definitely continue using the Avène XeraCalm A.D range! My skin is at its happiest and I don’t want to change that!

Le’Chelle Aldridge (@lechellealdridge)

What was the condition of your skin before the month-long trial began?
My skin has always been severely dry and especially during the winter months it gets worse. I had bumps all over my legs, visible scales on my arms as well as ashy elbows and knees.

How did your skin look after two weeks of using Eau Thermale Avène products?
The bumps had gotten better but not completely cleared although I could definitely see and feel a difference in texture. Overall my skin looked moisturised.

How did your skin change by the end of the month?
Now my skin texture is dramatically different, miles apart from how it looked and felt before I started the trial. My legs and arms are completely smooth, the bumps are almost all gone and my skin feels properly moisturised. I’d definitely repurchase the XeraCalm A.D Lipid-Replenishing Cleansing Oil & Balm because of the noticeable difference in my skin.

Which was your favourite Avène product?
Definitely the XeraCalm A.D Lipid-Replenishing Cleansing Oil & Balm for my body and the Avène Thermal Spring Water Spray will always be a staple in my skincare routine. Along with that I have many other Avène skincare favourites like the Gentle Milk Cleanser, Hydrance Serum and Hydrating Mask.

Will you be using Avène products now that the trial period is over?
Avène products have been a staple in my skincare routine for years so I’ll definitely continue using them. The Cleansing Oil & Replenishing Balm are new to me and now they’re firm favourites!

Eau Thermale Avène products are available at Clicks, Dis-Chem and Dermastore.

This article was sponsored by Eau Thermale Avène.

The above testimonials reflect the opinions of the influencers. Eau Thermale Avène products are cosmetic products and do not claim to treat eczema, rather help manage the symptoms associated with the skin condition. Always consult a medical professional for serious conditions. PFZA/201909003


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