Question: Hello Doctor, I Tend To Get Little Bumps On My Forehead, For Which A Therapist Recommended A Toner Containing AHA. It Has Made A Huge Improvement, But I’ve Since Read That If You Have Rosacea You Should Avoid This. I Haven’t Been Diagnosed With Rosacea, But My Cheeks Are Really Red And Flame Up When I Drink Hot Coffee, Alcohol Or Feel Emotional. I’ve Always Had Pretty Sensitive Skin. A Dermatologist Prescribed Oratane 10mg, For About 6 Months, From October 2012 To Feb 2011 (although I Believe The Acne Was Caused By Severe Stress). The Breakouts Are Much Better Now, Except The Sensitivity Has Remained. I’m Also Using Minesse At The Moment (prescribed By My Gynae For A Hormonal Imbalance). Please Can You Advise Me Which Skincare Range Would Be Best For This Strange Assortment Of Issues? I’m Currently Using Environ. Thank You So Much!

Hello Doctor, I tend to get little bumps on my forehead, for which a therapist recommended a toner containing AHA. It has made a huge improvement, but I've since read that if you have rosacea you should avoid this. I haven't been diagnosed with rosacea, but my cheeks are really red and flame up when I drink hot coffee, alcohol or feel emotional. I've always had pretty sensitive skin. A dermatologist prescribed Oratane 10mg, for about 6 months, from October 2012 to Feb 2011 (although I believe the acne was caused by severe stress). The breakouts are much better now, except the sensitivity has remained. I'm also using Minesse at the moment (prescribed by my gynae for a hormonal imbalance). Please can you advise me which skincare range would be best for this strange assortment of issues? I'm currently using Environ. Thank you so much!


Hello there! Thanks so much for your enquiry. There are quite a few options that we could look at to treat your Rosacea. It is however, a fairly long, on-going process as it is a condition that one has to manage. My first suggestion is that you get your hands on a supplement by Lamelle known as Acnevelle. I know it sounds like an “Acne pill”, but the actives in these supplements work extremely well on Rosacea. So it will have a double function in your case, as it will help with the redness as well as the odd bumps that you are experiencing. Product wise, you don’t have to go changing your whole regime if you are happy with your current products, I would just suggest adding an active that can specifically target the red areas that are bothering you. You can use any one of the following topical products, on the red area, under your current moisturizer; Skin Medica, Redness Relief Calmplex OR Skin Ceuticals Phyto Corrective serum OR Rosanique Rosehip Oil. Then of course you cannot under any circumstances forget your broad spectrum sun protection product on top of your moisturiser. You MUST protect yourself from UV exposure on a daily basis. So for now, just add the Acnevelle tablets and your “redness” product. Give it about 8 weeks and then come back to me with feedback, and we can take it from there (if anything needs to be added or changed).


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