Question: Age Spots

1.Can age spots be removed? 2.What can I use to treat them?


Thank you for your question. Yes, age spots can be treated. At Skin Renewal we offer a variety of treatments and products depending on the severity of your age spots. Treatments like chemical peels and laser therapy such as Limelight, IPL or Laser Genesis. We can also do spot peels with TCA. Using the corect products for age spots also go a long way to maintaining your treatment results and preventing the formation o f more spots. We also have a variety of products that could assist you in this regard. Knowing exactly what is going to work on YOUR particular skin, however, is going to require us to take a closer look at your skin. Are you near enough to one of our Skin Renewal Branches so that I or one of our doctors can help you with this? Please feel free to visit our website on to locate your nearest branch and make an appointment with one of our doctors, so that we can prescribe the best treatments and products for you particular concern.


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