Question: Face

im a black woman with a dark complection.I was using ponds face wash the blue ponds perfect matte so now its no more on the shelve.i want to use garniers product but dont know which will suit me.i have oil skin,so that face was like a scrub the ponds i use for moister is oily to dry please help


Thank-you for your enquiry. Unfortunately I cannot really assist you with the Garnier range, as I am not particularly familiar with it, however if you use the correct product, best suited for you skin one doesn’t often have complaints about dehydration or oiliness if the product works for you. My advice to you is to perhaps visit your nearest department store with a Garnier consultant. They can do a few patch tests on your skin and give you the best possible recommendation with the knowledge they have on these products.

However, I have extensive experience in a few other ranges that i have had brilliant results with. If i were to prescribe from those ranges for you, these are the products I would recommend for you according to the skin you have described to me. I have used the following product before with clients with oily skin and have had nothing but good results. The products are; from a product house called Lamelle’s Nourish range. I would recommend the Daily Cleanser, Revitalize Lite cream, you can use it as a day and a night cream and a SPF called Heliocare to start with. If you are interested in these product for purchasing or more information. Visit you nearest Skin Renewal @


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