Question: Keratosis Pilaris

Dear Dr Maureen. I have bad KP on my upper arms and legs. Would a peel or microdermabrasion work better to improve the KP?


Thank you for your question. What you need to keep in mind is that this condition requires a lot of "at home maintenance",a once-off peel or microderm is only going to give your skin a boost, but then you need continuously manage the treatment at home. For best results I believe the following combination works really well: 1) Once amonth have a Neostrata 70% Glycolic peel on the affected area; 2) 2-3 Times a week do an enzymatic exfoliation at home in the bath or shower to keep encouraging the cell turn over in the affected area (a product like Lamelle’s Cathepzyme or Nimue’s exfoliating enzymes will be a good option) 3) Daily application of a home care topical stimulating product to increase blood flow and hydration and continuous cell turn over (Any of the following products can help you with this – Dr Duve Gel; Neostrata Ultra Smoothing Lotion; Skin Medica TNS Body Lotion).


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