Question: Type Of Make-up To Use

Helo Dr Maureen I never use a makeup before, so I would like to know how to use it, which should I go for as per my skin type Thank you


Thank you so much for your question. I’m afraid this is something I cannot help you with in this format. What you will need to do is go to some of the make-up counters at some of the department stores OR at the clinic with the therapist that you have your treatments with. Try a few different brands and let the specialist at that counter give you tips and suggestions and let them apply the make-up for you… Then you keep that make-up on for the day and monitor your skin. Do you like it? How does it feel? Did it keep your skin looking good and was it comfortable all day? So do that at a few different counters with different brands over the next few weeks… When you find what suits you and feels the best, that is the make-up you then choose.


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