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Question: What skin care products can be used at day and night to keep you skin hydrated?

Hi Maureen, What skin care products can be used at day and night to keep you skin hydrated? And also for uneven skin tone


Thank you for your question. You need to remember that dehydration and uneven skin tone are two different concerns. So you would need to use the appropriate actives for those particular issues. If you’re struggling with constant loss of moisture from your skin, then I would recommend using a good barrier repairing moisturiser. A great one that can be used day and night is the Serra Restore Cream from Lamelle. As for the uneven skin tone, you would do well to start with a good retinoid-based cream to use at night and wean it on slowly. Something like Lamelle’s RA cream, or Neoretin Serum. The other thing that should definitely be incorporated every single day, to avoid sun damage and discolouration and help prevent unevenness in the skin tone, is a good facial SPF.


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