Schwarzkopf Gliss Marrakesh Oil & Coconut Shampoo

Schwarzkopf Gliss Hair Repair with Liquid Keratin Marrakesh Oil and Coconut shampoo contains liquid keratin to repair damaged hair and fill hair fissures. It offers deep care without weighing the hair down and provides more shine and suppleness.

What we say:
I have horribly fine, limp hair. It is the BANE of my existence. No really! So I always have mixed feelings about trying new hair products: on the one hand there’s the hope that FINALLY this will be the one to give me full, bouncing locks; and on the other, there’s the fear that if I try this one and it’s horrible, I will have to spend (yet another) bad hair day.
But Schwarzkopf Gliss Hair Repair with Liquid Keratin Marrakesh Oil and Coconut shampoo – despite the dark brown – BROWN! – bottle, gave me a really good hair day. The first in a long time.
As you may have gathered, I am not mad about the look of the product. I assume the brown bottle with gold writing is meant to reference Marrakesh or something, but it just totally doesn’t do it for me and looks odd in my bathroom alongside all my girlie-coloured bottles. But the product itself is great. And a great price too!
And for those of you (like me) who get really nervous around anything labelled “coconut”, do not be afraid: it doesn’t smell anything like coconut. It just has a subtle, light, slightly cocoa-ey fragrance.
− Irene


34 Responses

  1. A perfectly priced wonderful product! I left my hair silky smoothe and after using this for a month, my hair has improved substantially without falling hair. My hair feels thicker and stronger. I have also felt that it has repaired my hair from heat damage caused by straightening. It is also very easy to manage now thanks to the conditioner. The price of this is also perfect for my budget!

  2. This heavenly shampoo really delivers on its promise to nourish dry hair thanks to its high coconut oil content. Coconut oil has been used for decades by Indian women to promote shine and nourishment but it’s quite a messy task if you apply coconut oil to your hair. Thankfully I can get all the benefits by using this luxurious shampoo!

  3. I love the smell of this shampoo, it smells so yummy I could eat it up! It leaves my hair looking shiny and glossy and feeling so amazing.

  4. I’ve heard a lot of good things about Gliss products, but have personally never had the chance to try any for myself. My hair does need some shine… but one of the reviewers mentioned something about her hair getting oily really fast after using this shampoo… oily hair is something I constantly obsess over. For me, there is nothing worse than that! I know this product smells great, but I’ll have to give this one a miss…

  5. I have natural curly hair and been using all the products on the market till i found Schwartzkopf and never will i ever use any other product my hair looks healthy and is not frizzy at all anymore, it has a natuaral shine and i feel more confident than ever before now i dont need to leave my house with a bad hairday ever again!!!!

  6. This is an absolutely great hair product. Apart from the lovely smell it really leaves you hair feeling soft. My hair is always dull and lifeless and this leaves my hair shiny and healthy looking!

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