We tried whole body cryotherapy at Cryo by Coco and the experience was exhilarating

We tried whole body cryotherapy at Cryo by Coco and the experience was exhilarating 1

If you’re interested in holistic healing, wellness or physical therapy, chances are you’ve heard of cryotherapy. Also sometimes referred to as “cold therapy”, cryotherapy is the use of extreme cold to help stimulate the body’s natural healing processes, and there are various other health benefits also associated with this treatment.

Coco Aesthetics, a pioneering wellness centre in Cape Town, recently became the only establishment in South Africa to introduce a whole body electric cryotherapy chamber, a huge milestone in the local wellness industry, and our editor was lucky enough to experience it.

What is whole body cryotherapy?
Essentially it is a therapeutic application during which the body is exposed to extremely cold dry air, typically ranging from -87˚C, for a duration of three minutes. It is a recognised treatment in the medical field, as well as in physical therapy, chiropractic therapy, athletic training and holistic medicine.

What are some of the benefits of cryotherapy?
Whole body cryotherapy stimulates the body’s natural healing abilities. It uses extreme cold to induce responses on three levels: the circulatory system, the energy meridians and the nervous system. Cryotherapy has shown to be effective in the treatment of pain and inflammation, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. It can be used post-operatively and for recovery after sports industries. It is also beneficial in treating skin conditions like psoriasis and dermatitis, it may help with weight management and improve mental health by helping treat anxiety and depression.  

We paid Coco Aesthetics a visit to experience Cryo by Coco – a full body session of cryotherapy – here’s what happened:

“As a beauty editor I’ve had the opportunity to try plenty of treatments, but this was a first for me. When I arrived I was welcomed, offered a drink, and asked to complete a form with my personal and health details. While cryotherapy is safe, it is not recommended for everyone (see more info below), so the form was confirmation that the treatment was suitable for me.

I was led to the cryotherapy room, where I was given protective gear to wear. I planned to undergo the treatment in my underwear, but was given a sports bra to wear as the underwire in a regular bra is not allowed in the chamber. I was given socks and Crocs, thick gloves, a mask (similar to those we wore during the pandemic) and ear muffs, which had a built-in headset that you can connect to bluetooth, allowing you to listen to music during your treatment.

My therapist was great in explaining everything to me before we began and she was more than happy to answer my countless questions. She explained that throughout the treatment, the door is never locked and that I could leave the chamber at any time. She would be stationed outside the chamber to keep an eye on me for the duration of the session.

There is a screen with a clock positioned right outside the door, so when you’re inside you can watch the three minutes counting down. She also explained that when I enter, the glass will “fog up” for about 30 seconds and that I would not be able to see her, but after 30 seconds this will dissipate and I’ll be able to see through the glass door.  

She also warned me that I might feel slight aches or pains in my muscles, and that this was nothing to be alarmed about. It’s common to experience a bit of pain in areas of the body where there is inflammation. When you experience the ache, it’s the inflammation leaving your body.

My temperature was set for three minutes at -87˚C and I was ready to go in. Feeling a little bit nervous, I entered the chamber, which was cold from the onset. It reminded me of the walk-in fridges you get at supermarkets, just slightly colder.

As soon as I was inside, the cold dry air began to circulate and the glass door fogged up just like my therapist said it would. I felt an immediate rush as the cold hit my body. It wasn’t painful at all, but I would say it was bordering on uncomfortably cold. Definitely not unbearable, but not a comfortable temperature. I moved around a bit as I found it more comfortable than standing still.

For those first 30 seconds I kept my eyes closed as they are usually quite sensitive and it felt a little strange to have them exposed to the cold. I kept peeking at the clock, and saw my therapist showing me a thumbs up. This really put me at ease. I decided to keep my eyes closed for the majority of the session as it was more comfortable, but peeked every now and then to check the time.

Before entering, my therapist explained that it was really important to take deep breaths throughout the session, and I kept this in mind as it’s so easy to forget to breathe when you’re uncomfortable. I breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth, and I must be honest it felt quite strange when the icy air went up my nostrils!

I felt a few minor aches in the muscles in my calves (thanks, leg day!), my right shoulder blade and lower back. It was very slight though and didn’t bother me.

I was amazed at how quickly the time passed. Every time I peeked I was expecting far more time to remain, but the treatment was over before I knew it. My therapist opened the door and told me I’d done well. It felt great going back to normal room temperature!

We tried whole body cryotherapy at Cryo by Coco and the experience was exhilarating 2

The strangest sensation was that afterwards my skin felt icy cold, yet I wasn’t shivering or cold inside my body. This is because cryotherapy does not alter core body temperature, which is why it is safe to be exposed to such an extreme temperature.

I changed back into my clothes and made my way to reception. By this time, my skin was still a little chilly but I felt close to normal again. My therapist explained that I may feel a burst of energy later that day, or I may feel a slump. Everyone reacts differently to the treatment and it is designed to give your body what it needs.

I felt good after my treatment. I was in an upbeat mood, I had energy and felt exhilarated by the experience. While one session is not enough to drastically change a health concern or condition, I could definitely feel a positive outcome on my body and mind throughout the rest of the day.

I’d like to extend a big thank you to the lovely team at Cryo by Coco for hosting me – it was nothing short of a thrill!”
Anien – Editor

To book a session of cryotherapy at Cryo by Coco, visit their website here, email info@cryobycoco or call 021 518 0946.

Some commonly asked questions

How long is a session?
Sessions are between 1 and 3 minutes.

Will I be wet afterwards?
No not at all, this is dry cold therapy.

What must I wear?
You can wear your underwear, and Coco Aesthetics will provide protective gear for your hands, feet and ears.

Is whole body cryotherapy safe (WBC) and what are the risks?
If you are pregnant, suffering from a blood or heart condition, being treated for cancer, suffer from seizures, suffer from a kidney or urinary tract infection, have open wounds or ulcers, or are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, WBC can potentially have adverse effects. In other cases, WBC is much safer than an ice bath as cold is applied superficially and for a shorter period of time, jumpstarting your body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Because WBC uses dry cold air, cooling agents never actually come into contact with your skin. Because the temperature change to your body is only superficial, your internal body temperature remains constant throughout treatment. The chamber is equipped with a number of safety features. While the door closes, it never locks, so you are in full control of your environment. A trained staff member is always present to ensure your maximum safety. Coco Aesthetics staff are fully trained to make sure you experience both ultimate healing and ultimate safety.

Who should not undergo cryotherapy?
WBC should not be used if you are:

  • Are pregnant
  • Have cold, fever, or seasonal infection (flu, sinusitis, etc.)
  • Have cold-induced asthma
  • Have an open wound or sore (including teeth abscesses)
  • Have severe hypertension
  • Have hyperthyroidism
  • Have tumour diseases
  • Have a heart or cardiovascular and respiratory disease (which may include heart disease, hyper- or hypotension, angina, heart failure ischemic heart disease or other rhythmic conditions)
  • Have acute respiratory disease
  • Have a pacemaker
  • Have peripheral arterial disease (Fontaine Stages III & IV )
  • Expired venous thrombosis
  • Have seizures
  • Have bacterial and viral skin infections
  • Have acute kidney and urinary tract disease
  • Are under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Heart attack which dates less than 6 months
  • Have severe anaemia
  • Have Raynaud’s syndrome
  • Have Polyneuropathy

How often can I go for cryotherapy?
Generally 2-3 treatments a week are sufficient for most patients, however treatment schedules vary depending on your level of athletic activity, severity of soft tissue ailments, and other factors. Professional athletes can have treatment up to twice a day if needed.

Can I exercise before and after cryotherapy?
Yes. It’s common for athletes to utilize WBC prior to a workout in order to increase flexibility, range of motion, blood flow, and oxygen flow. Similarly, it’s common for athletes to participate in Whole Body Cryotherapy after working out in order to expedite soft tissue healing. It is recommended that you shower prior to a session and avoid using any lotions or other topical products beforehand.

Do I need to do anything in preparation for my session?
No preparation is needed prior to arriving at the centre. Because dry air is used, there is no need to shower afterwards. It is common for patients to use the Cryo chamber during a lunch break from work as the process is quick, clean, and simple.

For more info, visit https://cryobycoco.co.za/


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