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Question: Hi, I’ve Recently Been Into Wearing Bronzer And I Am Not Too Sure Which Bronzer To Pick, I.e. Shimmering Bronzer Or One That Doesn’t Shimmer? How Do I Decide Which One To Pick? And How Do I Decide What Shade To Choose?

Hi, I've recently been into wearing bronzer and I am not too sure which bronzer to pick, i.e. shimmering bronzer or one that doesn't shimmer? How do I decide which one to pick? And how do I decide what shade to choose?


Hello Imka

Shimmery bronzers are usually best for evening wear when the light is a little lower than in the day. The brand that you might opt for depends on your own personal comfort as well as price and texture. Bronzers come in a vast variety so choose one according to your skin tone and texture. Powders go best on oily skin, creams go best on dry skin. The colour will depend on your own complexion so it’s best to go two shades darker in the day with no shimmer and then add a bit of sparkle for the evening


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