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How to: deal with ingrown hairs

How to: deal with ingrown hairs

Ingrown hairs can be surprisingly painful. Here's how to get rid of – and prevent – them.
Top Tooth Tips

Top Tooth Tips

Here are our top tips for keeping those teeth clean and your breath fresh!
Banish bloating

Banish bloating

It’s uncomfortable, unattractive and just all-round icky. What’s the deal with bloating, and how can we avoid it?
On the subject of toenails

On the subject of toenails

The final word on toenails and how to care for them.
DIY de-fuzzing

DIY de-fuzzing

Need to get rid of that fuzz in a hurry? We've got the best DIY methods of home hair removal…
Glow with health

Glow with health

It's possible (and incredibly easy) to make your skin quite literally glow with health.
How to: shop for perfume

How to: shop for perfume

Shopping for a new perfume? Here's how to go about it so that you end up with a fragrance you'll…
How to: apply foundation flawlessly

How to: apply foundation flawlessly

Flawlessly radiant skin is on everyone's wish list. But sometimes we just have to fake it. Here's how to apply…
How to: stop your (fake) tan from fading

How to: stop your (fake) tan from fading

You've got a brilliant (fake) tan. But how do you keep it from fading (for as long as possible)?
Top 10 skincare resolutions

Top 10 skincare resolutions

In the spirit of the new year and making resolutions, here are the Top 10 skincare resolutions you should be…

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