Question: Dry Spots

How can I treat dry spots around the forehead and along the sides of the nose?


Thank you for your question. I’m going to need a bit more information to be able to help you. Are the dry spots in big patches? Are they very flaky? Are the red and can you see / feel any inflammation and sensitivity? Are the spots or patches raised in any way? Are you currently using anything on the skin or on these areas? I would certainly say, start with a good sunblock every single day. If it is something as simple as an impaired barrier then going on to Lamelle’s Serra products for a month or two should sorth this out for you and give you a marked improvement. If, however, there is something else going on with your skin… then we need to have a closer look and reccommend what is the best course of action based on what we see. Are you close enough to any of our Skin Renewal branches for you to come in so we can take a look?


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