Question: Dark And Damaged Skin From Pimples

hi, what can i use to reduse dark marks on my face and heal the scares like marks that pimples made?


There are a few things that you are able to do to start improving this condition. 1) You need to start wearing a good facial sunblock every single day. The more you expose your skin without protection, the darker and the longer these marks are going to stay on the skin. 2) You need to start using a night cream that is very high in Vit A, as ths will help to start lightening the marks that are already there, as well as help the skin inhibit new ones from forming, and this will also help the skin to start renewing itself properly. 3) It is also a good idea to use a cleanser or face wash that contains ingredients that will encourage the skin to make new cells more quickly, such as Nimue’s Envirnomental Cleanser or one of the Neostrata cleansers (Foaming Glycolic Wash). That will certainly help a great deal with the dark marks. If there are scars, such as actual "holes", pock marks or raised scar tissue on the face, you are not really going to help these with the topical creams. For those types of lesions you are going to need intervention with treatments. PLEASE do not hesitate to contact one of our Skin Renewal branches if we can further assist you in any way we would be happy to do so.


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