Question: Exercise Routine

What is reasonable fitness routine for someone who has only recently started going to the gym? I have previously over exerted myself and given up many times before. How do I keep the routine simple and fresh?


You need to start by commiting to at least 60 minutes of cardio each week (even power walking), and a minimum of two strength-training sessions. Include intervals of faster walking/running followed by recovery intervals for a more effective cardio workout. Even 20 second ‘sprinting’ intervals will make a big difference. Then you need a balanced strength routine. A few sessions is a great place to start if you can fit it into your budget, as they can lead you through suitable workout structures. In general, though, a full body workout could include tricep dips, ladies’ pushups, squats, lunges, deadlifts and crunches. Add weights where you can so you are performing 3 sets of 8-12 reps for each exercise, where you struggle to complete the last two reps. If you need motivation and can’t get to a gym, fitness DVDs are also a great investment.


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