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Question: FRECKLES

Hi i want to ask a question. i have a lot of freckles and i hate it , my skin therapist says its pigmentation, I have a uneven skin tone , is there any products on the market that can lighten my freckles? I am currently using dermalogica products and a high spf of 30. I just want them to be lighter.Which products do you suggest? i was on birth control but i decided to leave it because i've heard that it causes pigmentation. Im never in the sun , and its been 3 months now that im not on the pill anymore.can you please help me ?Thank you so much. Liandi


Hi there Liandi. Thanks so much for your question. Pigmentation is any therapist’s biggest challenge to try and sort out, as it is a condition that needs to be managed for the rest of your life. The following things are absolutely vital; 1) You must protect yourself from the sun, so a good sunblock is a MUST. 2) You must use a pigmentation inhibiting product, something like Lumixyl or Skin Medica’s Lytera serum, or Lamelle’s Brighter Concentrate Serum, and this you need to use constantly, as the minute you stop inhibiting pigment from being made, your pigmentation will just simply return. 3) You need to be using products containing retinol as your night time moisturiser. Something like Skin Medica’s Retinol ES or Lamelle’s Evening Glow or our Skin Renewal Brightening Cream or Skin Ceuticals Retinol 0.3. This will encourage cell turnover and also help to lighten your pigmentation over time. What I am also going to say is… if your freckles have been there for your whole life (ie if they are genetic and you were born with them), the chances if you removing them are not good. They can certainly lighten somewhat, using these products. I would also suggest that you consider using a potent anti-oxidant such as the Ovelle capsules to also help treat the pigmentation from within. That is pretty much everything you can do for yourself. If your pigmentation is really stubborn and or deep, then we will have to look at intervening with treatments.


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