Question: Lemon Juice Peel

A friend told me she using fresh lemons to do a chemical peel. She washes her face and then wipes with alcohol then cuts a lemon and pushes a cotton ball into it. She then takes cotton ball and wipes over her face when one layer is dry she repeats this step seven to ten times and leaves on for2 to 4 hours and then washes her face and applies a rich thick cream, she is claiming that HER face starts peeling the next morning. Is this even possible and is all that acidic lemon juice not damaging to the skin, she has mentioned that on the areas that are open not to use it and that it burns on active acne. Is this an ok way to do a home peel? And if not where can one get a decent home peel system?


I have heard of people doing this kind of exfoliation at home. Some people really swear by using this method for "home peeling". Onbviously there is no "protocol" for how to perform this… so if you really are keen to try it, i would say just work with your skin by responding to how you skin feels and reacts step by step. Obviously lemon juice, even though it is acidic, is very different from peel solutions that have been through various processes that concentrate them and stabilise them in laboritories, so it is not going to be anywhere near the strength of a propper peeling product. So by all means if you are really keen then go by how you feel. I am not a fan of patients performing actual peels at home, unfortunately i have seen too many disaster cases! Having said that though there are one or two products out there that make a "home peeling kit", which is very carefully formulated and made at higher pH so as to to risk the peel going too deep and causing problems for the patient… they do still have to be used with caution. One that I am familiar with and have seen few problems with, is the Nimue kit.


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