Question: Dark Rings Under The Eyes

Hi Dr. Allem I’ve been to our local GP and he said I’ve got eczema and recommended Advantan cream that leaves dark rings behind. I try to cover it with foundation, but what can I do to fix it?


Hi there Michelle
You need to do a combinatin of things:
1) Start taking powerful antioxidants, oral AND topical (topicals on the area of concern)
2) Make sure you are using a good facial SPF every single day over that area
3) Use a good treatment foundation (not just plain make-up) – I highly reccommend Lycogel
4) If you are able and willing to have some treatments on this area, that would also benefit you greatly (obviously not during any flare-ups) – I can reccommend some treatments for you if you like? Or if you want to come chat to me or one of our doctors at Skin Renewal we would gladly help you!


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