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Question: Need Urgent Help For Better Skin

please come to my rescue..... my skin is just not getting better at all..... i have been using how many products now, sometimes it just helps a bit but the problem is still there. i have blackheads and cant get rid of it, then when you squeeze it, it leave this small 'hole' in the skin, how can i get rid of it to make my skin pure and fresh?????????? i do not want this holes, please help!!!!!!


Wow, I can see that this is really frustrating you a great deal. What we need to do is treat the CAUSE of your problem, rather than simply treating the symptoms. I’m going to suggest a treatment and home care regime for this issue you are having. Firstly I suggest you go on to a good skin care supplement, like Lamelle’ Acnevell capsules so that we can have some treatment from the inside. Secondly, I am going to suggest you use products from a range that will help to get those comedones (blackheads) under control so that you dont have to continuously squeeze the skin, causing more damage. I suggest Neostrata’s Refine range. And lastly, the inclusion of a few superficial chemical peels would go a long way to help you kick-start this process and get that skin functioning properly and will also to help refine the texture and roughness that you are describing as "holes" on the skin. If you need help in sourcing any of these products or treatments, please feel free to contact your nearest Skin Renewal Branch. You can locate your nearest branch by looking at


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