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Question: Cc Creams

Hi, I have read many reviews regarding CC creams but really want to know which is the best one to buy? I am looking for a light/medium coverage for under eye darkness and for correcting some areas of sallow skin. In addition anti aging properties, plus all the usual benefits of CC creams such as a high SPF. Many thanks Rebecca


Hi there Rebecca. You need to remember that CC creams are an "over-the-counter" cosmetic product. Some of the concerns that you are describing are "dermal", which means they sit fairly deep in your skin, and your CC cream is not going to be able to significanly affect those concerns. So if you’re asking for my honest opinion, most CC creams from reputable product houses are going to give you much the same result. I am always rather PRO treating the cause of a skin problem, rather than spending years and loads of money, simply covering up symptoms of a poorly functioning skin. If you are looking for a treatment foundation that has anti-inflammatory properties (for redness), an SPF 30, plus great coverage, then I would say use something like Lycogel breathable camouflage. This however is not going to be able to improve your skin condition or solve any of the concerns you are having, it is simply going to continue covering up what you see on the skin. Would you not rather consider having a skin consult with me or one of our doctors so that we can properly analyse your skin and give you the best advice for the issues you are having on your skin? I would love to be able to help you to rather get your skin functioning properly so that you dont have to worry about "covering up" problems. Alternatively, as I mentioned before, if you have your heart set on using a CC cream… most of the well recognised brands are pretty much going to give you what you want in terms of "disguising" the problem.


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