I have started using Vaseline even tone cream and i loved it butthe problem occurred after two to three days after using it.I started having skin irritation then developed to some small sores,and i have stopped using it.Since then my skin is left with some marks.What could be the cause of this???I really love Vaseline Even Tone Cream.HELP...


It’s very difficult for me to give you any definite answers based on the information you’ve given me, but it could very well be that there may be an ingredient in the product that your skin doesn’t like and so you are reacting, OR it could be that your skin was very poorly hydrated and is now reacting because it’s trying to get back into balance. I would suggest that you give your skin some recovery time and only use a facial sunblock every day (and a mild moisturiser at night), until your skin has calmed down. Thereafter, you can start to slowly re-introduce other products. If you try to re-introduce the Vaseline even tone cream and you have the same reaction, I’m afraid this product is just not for you. If you would like help with other product options I will gladly help you, or you are very welcome to contact or visit any one of our Skin Renewal branches for assistance. You can locate your nearest branch at


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