Question: Whiteheads

I have a severe case of whiteheads on my chin, mainly below my bottom lip. It's very predominant, but does not come out easily when I try to pop it. I use Neutrogena facial products, specifically for acne, but the whiteheads never go away. Please help.


It’s great that you are using a facial product specifically geared to your specific concern. There are some other things you should be doing on a regular basis to ensure that you don’t keep getting blockages and breakouts. Make sure on a DAILY basis that you also have a product or serum that will help you with adequate hydration for your skin AND ensure you are using daily sun protection. WEEKLY, ensure that you are exfoliating thoroughly. In your particular case, since you are already treating yourself for acne, I would highly recommend an enzymatic exfoliation product (EG Cathepzyme from Lamelle). MONTHLY, you need to have deep cleansing treatments to rid the skin of stubborn blockages, give that skin a good, intensive "clean-up", and also so that you have monthly contact with a skincare professional who is able to check on your skin, make sure you’re on track with your results and to assist you with any concerns that may arise. Monthly analysis of the skin is really very helpful.


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