Is fat freezing the answer to a slimmer figure?


There are few things more appealing than the promise of weight loss without the blood, sweat and tears that traditionally accompany this endeavour. Liposuction has been a relatively popular option for some time, but the results are mixed and the invasive method used is certainly not everyone’s cup of Kombucha. Hence the excitement about a new, non-invasive procedure that claims to literally freeze off fat cells.

What exactly is it?
Cryolipolysis, or fat freezing as it’s commonly called, is a procedure in which fat cells beneath your skin are frozen and killed. Fat cells freeze at higher temperatures than other cells, so the surrounding tissue is not affected in the process. The dead fat cells are slowly eliminated by your body over the next few months.

How does it work?
A small vacuum-like device is placed on the area of your body you wish to target. The offending fat bulge is sucked into the head of the device where two cooling panels do the freezing. While not exactly painful the procedure is reportedly uncomfortable, with strong tugging and pulling sensations for the duration of the treatment. Since no surgery is involved no anaesthetic is used, and zero downtime is required following the treatment. Some mild discomfort may persist in the area for a few days thereafter.

Is it suitable for everyone?
No. Fat freezing is best suited to those who are close to their ideal weight but have a few stubborn bulges they would like to address. It is not suited to people who are very overweight or obese. Treatments are expensive (from about R6 000 for a small treatment area), however in many cases only one session is required.

Does it work?
Fat freezing is effective for treating small bulges and stubborn pockets of fat. Results are not immediate as it takes time for the dead fat cells to be eliminated from the body, however there should be a visible difference within two months of having the treatment. Fat loss continues for up to six months after the procedure.

Is it safe?
As with all treatments there are a number of different fat freezing techniques and services available. Make sure to choose a clinic that uses an FDA-approved treatment method. This means it has been tested and declared effective and safe for use.

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13 Responses

  1. I’m still quite sceptical about something like this. My mindset has always been that of – if it works so simply, why haven’t the rich and famous jumped onto the band wagon?

  2. I totally agree with Wafiqa – if gym is not possible simply go for a walk around a couple of times when you come home from work in the evening. Drink lots of water too.

  3. sounds like good way to get rid of that stubborn fat skinny people struggle with,however if you still eating the same & not working out all that fat will come back.

  4. I think the safest way to lose weight is still to eat healthy and get plenty of excercise. This might be an easy way out, but like Shantel says, within a few months you will be right back where you started.

  5. Lets assume for arguments sake that you have the treatment and it indeed does work. So you spend your money and lets say you will lose 4-5kgs over a period of 8-10 weeks. While this sounds like a great plan it is not. The reason you have maintained the extra fat is because your daily input and output is x. In comes a treatment and takes off y amount of weight. You have changed nothing in the daily input and output which means that after the 8-10 week period your body will already have started to expand the rest of your fat cells. So have you lost any fat? You may appear temporarily thinner but within a few months you may be right back where you started.

    1. Spot on! I was thinking the same thing. R6000 is a lot of money to spend. Could rather use that money for a gym membership.

  6. Technology technology and the expesive methods it brings. i have witnessed this method on one of the television reality shows it is expensive and it works for those who engage in it.

  7. Not too sure about this one. Like Sarah says, no quick fix. Just eat clean and train dirty!

  8. I also say the best way to lose weight is a healthy diet so that the body and mind have control. The quick fix is only temporary and requires monitoring.

  9. I personally believe to loose weight you need to live a healthy life and eat correctly, everything in moderation. I don’t believe there is a quick fix with anything and always worry about the after effects of such treatments.

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