Winter Beauty Box - 728 x 90 1

Question: Black Marks

I have these black marks on the side of my nose, (both sides) not sure if it is due to blackheads. What is the best way to treat this?


If it’s just blackheads, then your solution is fairly simple. Have a deep cleansing facial treatment with a good therapist, at a reputable clinic, who can decongest and clear the area for you with this treatment. Then let your therapist coach you on how to maintain your skin and prolong the treatment results. If your black marks are pigmentation on the skin, we have a more difficult task… if this is the case, I would suggest you have a consult with a good, reputable aesthetic doctor (we would be happy to help you at one of our Skin Renewal Branches), and let them analyse the area and guide you with what ttreatments and topicals you would require to clear the area.


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