Does your beauty routine change when you become a mom?

Mom and her beauty routineMom's beauty routineThat cliché of the harassed mother in a tatty tracksuit rushing to the shops for bread and milk with dirty hair and no make-up is a cliché for a reason… it’s happened to so many of us. There simply isn’t time to spend 20 minutes perfecting our winged eyeliner anymore.

Most women, when they fall pregnant for the first time, have visions of being the glamorous mother who curls her lashes, blow-dry’s her hair and steps out in heels, all with compliant babe in arms. They think it’ll be easy. But it’s not. Trying to get dressed and out of the house in the morning, while juggling a baby and all its demands, makes it near impossible to put on a full face of make-up, let alone blow-dry your hair and choose an acceptable outfit. But that’s no excuse in becoming that cliché – you simply need to change your routine. Babies are unpredictable but if you try these tips, you can get out of the house looking and feeling good.

Save time by washing your hair, shaving your legs and plucking stray eyebrow hairs the night before. Instead of blow-drying, let your hair air dry and experiment with upstyles the next morning such as a sleek ponytail or a French plait.

In the mornings, after baby has been fed and is happily ensconced in sleep, or staring at a hanging mobile, take your chance to jump into the shower.
Don’t skip your body moisturiser. Your skin tends to get very dry post-pregnancy, so it’s important to keep it moisturised. A time-saving alternative is to use body oil such as Bio-Oil or Neutrogena’s Body Oil, which contains a nourishing sesame formula. These oils can be applied to your skin or a few drops added to your bath.

When it comes to your make-up, it’s a good idea to invest in products with multiple uses.

Opt for a moisturiser that does it all – Garnier BB Cream contains SPF 15 and it hydrates and brightens skin, evens out skin tone and smoothes fine lines.
Avoid liquid foundation and opt for a pressed powder foundation. M.A.C Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation provides full coverage and takes seconds to apply.
It’s a good idea to invest in false eyelashes. They instantly open up your eyes and take the hassle out of applying mascara every day, plus there’s no risk of smudging.

If there’s one make-up essential you can’t skip it’s blusher. A stroke of colour on your cheeks will instantly liven and brighten your skin. A bright lipstick adds instant glamour, but how do you keep the colour on all day? Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stains are easy to apply, won’t bleed into lip lines and last for hours. For subtle colour, try Clinique Chubby Stick – it moisturises lips while providing a sheer tint.


38 Responses

  1. Great tips. My daily beauty routine basically dissapeared when my little one arrived. But I make sure to at least once a week treat myself with a proper beauty routine.

  2. When you become a new mom there isn’t enough time for a full beauty routine. 15 minutes is all my two-year-old needs to catch on a world of mischief. I take just 60 seconds to fill in brows, swipe some eye pencil, use mascara and that’s it. If I have another minute then I slick on some lippie but not always.

  3. It is true, when you are a mom you don’t have all the time you used too have for doing make-up, hair and dressing up etc. I normally wake up extra early to get ready :)! And looking after ourselves is also a top priority as well as seeing to our babys :)

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