Get your feet flip-flop ready!

Can you believe it’s nearly sandal time again? I can’t wait to get my feet into a gorgeous pair of open-toed wedges, but when I look down, my feet are showing signs of a long winter, spent covered by socks and boots, unable to breathe.

It’s time to resurrect those cracked, dry feet before flip-flop season officially arrives!

flip flop ready feet

Here are three important steps to remember when gearing up for summer feet:

Relax your feet with a ten-minute soak in warm water. Add some Epsom Salts (available from Pick n Pay) to refresh and rejuvenate your tired feet, and a drop of essential oil – mint or rosemary essence – to the water. Then wash with soap and dry off, taking special care between the toes – fungi like Athletes Foot love moist, warm places to grow!

Use a foot scrub and a pumice stone or foot file on hard skin areas – just don’t be too rough! Or try Sally Hansen Pumice Foot Polish, R99, to exfoliate your feet. Moisturise thoroughly. You might want to put a pair of (old) cotton socks on after the foot lotion: the socks keep the heat in and act as a wrap, helping the lotion to sink into your feet, leaving them soft and lovely. Do this once a week, just before bedtime, and your feet will stay gorgeous all year long. The daily application of moisturising cream (or something even thicker, like shea butter), is a perfect opportunity for a gentle massage of the soles and ankles, too.

Cut your toenails!
Experts recommend cutting toenails straight across to prevent in-growing toenails. Finish off by filing into shape with an emery board. Push back cuticles, gently! You can either use a cuticle softening product, which helps to loosen the cuticle so that it slides easily away from the nail, or dip an ear bud in olive oil. Or, even more simply, use your towel to (gently) push back the cuticles which have been softened by your hot-water soak and all that moisutising! Clean off any excess lotion from the nails and then paint on your favourite nail polish – or keep them bare and innocent!

Follow these easy steps, and your feet should be gorgeously soft and ready for a barefoot walk along the beach at any time!


24 Responses

  1. It sure does sound easy enough so I’m going to follow it to the T and I know what Candice does also works wonderfully.

  2. When I get out of the bath I cover my feet in Vaseline, then cling wrap them and put on a pair of socks. I relax and keep it on for as long as possible. When I remove everything my feet are extremely soft.

  3. To keep my feet soft I rub them up in Vaseline before I go to bed and sleep in cotton socks. It really does wonders!

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