Our exclusive interview with adidas brand ambassador Letshego Moshoeu

Exclusive interview with adidas brand ambassador Letshego Moshoeu

Q:  When did you become an adidas ambassador?
A: In 2013

Q:  What does this role entail?
A: It entails representing the brand when participating in all sporting activities and events.

Q: Besides for running being a therapeutic activity, what else do you gain from it?
A: It keeps my weight at bay. I’ve used it to keep slim for the past 20 years.

Q: What are the most recent races you took part in?
A: Vaal Marathon 42.2km, Om Die Dam 50km, Alan Robb 32km.

Q: How do the adidas Energy Boost Running Shoes assist you?
A: It’s a super light shoe that provides adequate cushioning and support.

Q: Which of the adidas Boost Running Shoes are your favourite?
A: The Supernova Glide 6 Boost.

Q: We know you’ve taken part in Fear Factor SA as well as Survivor. Which one was more challenging?
A: Survivor was by far the toughest. Being without food for days on end means your energy levels drop and you struggle with the physical challenges. With Fear Factor on the other hand, you get your daily meals and the only challenge is a few physical and eating challenges.

Q: How often do you run?
A: Six days a week.

Q: When do you perform the best – early morning or late afternoon?
A: Early morning is best for me.

Q: Will you be participating in the Comrades Marathon in June?
A: Yes, my first.

Q: What kind of training do you take up before a lengthy race?
A: A combination of short to medium runs during the week, longer runs on the weekend and including track training twice a week with a running coach to focus on speed, hills and endurance training.

Q: What advice would you give someone who wants to take up running for the first time?
A: Don’t do too much too soon. Start with a combination of running and walking in order to determine your running tolerance. For example, run for 2 minutes, walk for 2 minutes and do this until you reach 30 minutes. If you feel you could have gone further, increase the running minutes and reduce the walking until you’re able to run non-stop for 30 minutes. Apply the same principle of slowly increasing the running time for longer distances like 10kms. This is called interval training and it’s one of the easiest ways to introduce exercise to the body. Don’t just wake up one morning and decide to run a 10km or 21km race. This can lead to injury.

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4 Responses

  1. I’m not the biggest fan of long distance running but I’m happy to do less than 5km just for the workout. The advice is just what I need to keep going.

  2. I love the last bit of advise, I just got back into running and it so easy to overdo things and suffer the following day!

  3. Great advice, I love her she is sooo cute & her info shared in true love mag is so informative.

  4. I like the last bit of advice for beginner runners :) Thank you for sharing this article.

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