Question: Contour Clueless

Id really like to learn how to contour and create flawless cheekbones,any advice?



The easiest way to to create these effects on your cheeks is to suck in your cheeks and right below the cheek bone gently blend in your bronzer. Do it little bits at a time so that you dont end up with blotches on your cheeks. You can then take your blush and gently work it into your cheeks right about the same place where you would naturally blush. You can then top this off with a shimmer. My favorite shimmer is the body glitter from INGLOT. With this product a little does go a long way so you wont have to worry about looking like a disco ball. Either way these should work well with which ever products you use. Just remeber to suck in your cheeks and work on the cheek bone as well as the apples of your cheeks where you naturally go a little pink when you blush.


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