Question: Stretch Marks

hi i have such terrible stretch marks on my tummy and thighs i have tried so many products if you please can send me a sample of a good tissue oil to use or a good home remedy would really appreciate it...Thank you


Thank you so much for your question. You have no idea how often I get asked this very question, and it breaks my heart to tell you (as I have to tell so many others), that no cream, or lotion or potion or over-the-counter topical product is really going to do very much for your stretch marks. Tissue oils will only work up to a very limited point, and they mainly affect the skin around the stretch marks more than the actual stretch marks themselves. A stretch mark is an injury / scar on the dermis. Which means it is a injury very deep within the skin and no product that you buy over-the-counter is going to be able to affect the dermis of the skin when it comes to improving scars. You need intervention with treatments and medical products that can actually affect that depth of the skin. If you would like to come and see me or one of our doctors at one of our Skin Renewal branches, I can certainly help you with this and give you a better idea of how much CAN in fact be done for stretch marks, as they are really not simple and easy to treat quickly. It is a process, but there is certainly quite a bit that can be done. You’re welcome to locate your nearest Skin Renewal branch by googling:


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