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Question: Hi! Could You Give Some Recommendations For A Good Cream Or Powder Highlighter With A Golden Undertone? Preferably High End..

Hi! Could you give some recommendations for a good cream or powder highlighter with a golden undertone? Preferably high end..



MAC and INGLOT are your best houses to go to for the kind of make up your are looking for. They cater for run way and photgraphic looks so you should be able to find something out of  the many different types of powders they have. Some will have a shimmer, others a complete shine and then there are the matte and the nude varieties. The other make up brands do offer a great range of highlighters but you stand a better chance at finding something from the above mentiuoned thats a single product thats more specialised.


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My name is Estelle and I am a 15year old teen. I'm really struggling with my facial skin,my face is…

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