
Why we love old school perfumes

What is it about classic fragrances that make us coming back again and again?
Fragrance and colour – what's the connection?

Fragrance and colour – what's the connection?

Is there a reason behind the colouring of fragrance packaging, or is it all chosen at random?
Should you wear fragrances while you are pregnant?

Should you wear fragrances while you are pregnant?

Not sure if you can wear your favourite fragrances while pregnant? We’ve got some advice...
Your party perfumes

Your party perfumes

Lips. Check. Nails. Check. Now make sure you've got a knock-out party perfume!
Perfume users' anonymous

Perfume users' anonymous

If you're guilty of overusing perfume, it's time for a rehab.
The scent of summer

The scent of summer

Broaden your scent memory this summer with these new fragances.
Unisex fragrances

Unisex fragrances

Is it for her? Is it for him? Does it matter? Not with these unisex fragrances…
Aftershave vs cologne

Aftershave vs cologne

So what's the difference between an aftershave and a cologne? And does it matter?
Fixing perfume overload

Fixing perfume overload

Gotten a little trigger happy with your perfume this morning? We've got the quick fix…
Childhood smells

Childhood smells

Do you remember what you childhood smelt like? Do you recognise the smells in any of your favourite fragrances?
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