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Nurturing your gut: Insider tips to lose the bloat for optimal digestive health

Nurturing your gut: Insider tips to lose the bloat for optimal digestive health 2

Written by Nicole Sherwin, founder- Eco Diva Natural Superfood Skincare

In the pursuit of overall well-being, one aspect that often gets overlooked is the health of our gut. But it’s fast becoming a very trending topic as people are seeing remarkable changes to their health when they just tweak a few things in their diet. A balanced gut microbiome is crucial for digestion, nutrient absorption, promotes gut-brain health and clarity, plays a role in our immune system and hormonal functioning as well as our skin health. Let’s explore some fascinating facts and practical insider tips to foster good gut health through balanced nutrition and plant-powered supplements.

Some Fun Facts:

Microbial Metropolis: Your gut is home to trillions of microorganisms, collectively known as the gut microbiome. These tiny residents play a crucial role in breaking down food, synthesizing vitamins, and maintaining a healthy immune system.

Mind-Gut Connection: The gut-brain axis highlights the intricate link between our gut health and mental well-being. A happy gut often translates to a happier mood.

Diverse Diet, Diverse Microbiome: A varied diet, high in plant-based proteins and micronutrients promotes a diverse microbiome, enhancing the abundance of beneficial bacteria. Aim for a rainbow of fruits, vegetables (definitely include leafy greens), legumes, and whole grains to keep your gut flora flourishing.

My top tips for good gut health:

Embrace Plant-Based Foods:
Load up on fibre-rich foods like whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. Fibre serves as fuel for beneficial gut bacteria, promoting a thriving microbiome.

Include Plant-Based Proteins:
Opt for plant-based protein sources like beans, lentils, tofu, and quinoa. These not only provide essential amino acids but also contribute to a healthier gut environment.

Supercharge with Superfoods:
Incorporate nutrient-dense superfoods like kale, blueberries, and broccoli into your diet. These power-packed foods contain antioxidants and phytochemicals that support overall health, including gut health.

Prebiotics for Gut Nourishment:
Include prebiotic-rich foods such as garlic, onions, leeks, and bananas. Prebiotics act as food for beneficial bacteria, fostering a robust microbiome.

Integrate Baobab for Gut Wellness:
Baobab, derived from the African baobab tree, is rich in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Including baobab in your diet can aid digestion and contribute to a healthy gut.

Supplement Wisely:
Consider incorporating supplements like probiotics, prebiotics and multivitamins to support gut health. Probiotics introduce beneficial bacteria, while multivitamins fill potential nutrient gaps in your diet.

Stay Hydrated:
Clean, fresh water (not tap water) is essential for maintaining a healthy gut. It helps in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, ensuring smooth functioning of your digestive system.

Foods to Avoid:
Limit processed foods (anything that is prepackaged or fast foods), sugary snacks, and excessive red meat consumption, as these can disrupt the balance of your gut microbiome.

Cultivating a healthy gut is a holistic journey that involves mindful eating and incorporating gut-friendly foods and supplements into your lifestyle. By adopting a plant-based diet rich in fiber, plant-based proteins, and superfoods, along with strategic supplementation, you can foster a diverse and thriving gut microbiome, laying the foundation for overall well-being. Remember, a happy gut is a key to a happy and healthy life.

See Eco Diva’s Good Gut Glow for more information on a supercharged, superfood gut health addition.

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For more info on maintaining a healthy gut, visit


3 Responses

  1. Struggling with digestion. When I eat weet bix, I have no problem, otherwise I struggle to dispense. I need advice as to how I could better my condition. I’m diabetic and have thyroid issues.

    1. Try drinking ginger and lemon tea/ green tea/ peppermint tea every morning on empty stomach and after every meal.

      Also try drinking a litre of water on an empty stomach in the morning and drink lots of water during the day.

      Let me know how it goes in a week or so.

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